Antioxidants and Free Radicals

There are several ways to define free radicals, and one of the simplest is this: Free radicals are biological parasites.

When cells use oxygen, free radicals are formed. In principle, the body is able to cope with this situation and neutralize these radicals. But to do this, it needs tools. It is the antioxidants that meet this need.

Technically, free radicals are unstable molecules and they seek to appropriate oxygen to complete each other. We could also compare free radical molecules to hackers whose entire activity is to steal electrons from other molecules.

A free radical is unstable because it lacks an electron. He therefore seeks to tear it away from another substance to stabilize itself. In doing so, it more or less destroys this substance.

In the skin, free radicals behave in the same way. They attack in particular the membranes of cells, the collagen and elastin from the skin to remove the electrons they need. This results in destruction of the skin tissue and aging thereof. When free radicals massively attack the skin, it ages prematurely.

Antioxidants wage a constant struggle against free radicals, much like a suicide squad. They indulge in free radicals and give them the coveted electrons. In doing so, our tissues are spared. In fact, the antioxidants sacrifice themselves for us, because in the process they lose their identity while protecting our cells from destruction.

What exactly are these precious antioxidants? It is mainly vitamin A, vitamin C, the Vitamin E and selenium. To prevent the skin from aging prematurely, these nutrients should be consumed in the form of dietary supplements. Certainly, food contains it, but the quantities may be insufficient.

Naturiste offers you a wide choice of antioxidants, to find out more, consult the universe Antioxidants / Immunity.

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